different favs for different mods - |
- Make
a new folder in your "/Tribes2/GameData/"-folder, e.g. "ShifterFavs"
- Make
a new shortcut to your Tribes2.exe on your Desktop (right click on an
empty space on your Desktop and chose new -> link and browse to your
- right
click your new Icon and chose "properties"
- add
this text in the "target"-field after "...Tribes2.exe":
-online -login YOURNAME
is your login-name (not your warrior name)
YOURPASSWORD is your T2 password
YOURFOLDER is the folder you created
above ("ShifterFavs in this example")
- you can
also leave the login info away, then the complete line would look like
-online -mod YOURFOLDER
- when
you start T2 via this Icon, the favs will be independant from your original
favs. Also all other settings will be independant, like graphic and
sound settings (you will have an independant ClientPrefs.cs in your
"ShifterFavs"-folder). You can even put other stuff in this
folder, like scripts or skins (not tested) !