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Sword of the Wolf currently isn't actively competing in any games, and right now our members are only pubbing various games for fun. We are looking into games to compete in the future, first of all Operation Flashpoint 2 and Modern Warfare 2. Therefor at this moment, we don't really recruit new players. If you want to join us pubbing, you still can fill out the recruiting form, but better talk to one of our members personally and join our Ventrilo channel.

[SOW] is looking for mature players of all skill level. Its is our belief that skill can be taught and acquired over time. The key is to have players who can play in a team environment. [SOW] will not tolerate any behavior that may be looked down upon in the community. When you wear our tag you no longer represent just yourself as an individual, but the clan as a whole.

Many of our members have families with young children or time consuming jobs. We at [SOW] know that real life comes first, but nevertheless we need active members who attend our practices and matches.

“Sword of the Wolf” is maintained by it's members, and we appreciate all efforts that help further our efforts. We are a well established clan and proud and respected members of the gaming community. It takes a team effort both on and off the field to keep our community strong.

Please read the FAQ for recruits before you fill out the form. It will answer most of your questions.

If you are interested in joining SOW, please fill out the application-form below:

in-game handle:
games: Operation Flashpoint 2
Modern Warfare 2
country and state
time zone:
e.g. EST or GMT-5
how often can you play in a week:
which positions do you prefer in these games:
which other (online-)games have you played before / do you play:
in which other clans have you been before ? which functions did you have there ?
how did you hear about us ? if somebody invited you - who ?
also for a tryout, it is required that you have a microphone and the voice-com software Ventrilo. yes, I have both
do you have any preference for a tryout date ?
(see our practice schedule here)
add a few words why you want to join SOW. you also can add further comments here.

I have read the FAQ and want to

If you prefer sending an application by email or there are problems with the form, mail to our recruiting officer Dev@sword

All information will be handled confidental. Email-addresses will not be given away to third-party.

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